AB SIA Mucescere. Moisir. To grow mouldy.
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MEN AB Male olere ut res rancida vel mucida. Sentir mauvais comme une chose rance ou moisie. To smell rank or mouldy
AB Damnum, diminutio, perditio. Dommage, diminution, perte. Damage, decrease, loss.
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AB AI Pudore suffundi. Être couvert de honte. To be covered with shame.
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AB LONG Perdere gloriam, fortunam. Perdre sa gloire ou sa fortune. To lose one's glory or fortune.
AB ROI Decidere, flaccescere, deflorari, deperdi. Tomber, se faner se flétrir, se détériorer. To fall, tofade, to wither, to deteriorate, to get flat.
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AB KLIN Odorem amittere. S'eventer, perdre son parfum. To lose one's perfume.
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AB SENG Splendorem amittere. Perdre son eclat. To lose one's splendour.
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AB SI Pulchritudine aut gloria privari. Perdre sa beaute ou sa gloire. To lose one's beauty or glory.
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AB RA SIA Mucescere. Moisir. To grow mouldy.
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NOK AB Avis defluvium vocis patiens. Oiseau dont la voix a mue. Bird whose voice is breaking
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PANJA AB Ingenium obtosum. Esprit borne, bouche. Hard of apprehension, slow of understanding.
AB Lavare, lavare corpus, perfundere liquore. Laver, prendre un bain, arroser d'un liquide. To wash, to take a bath, to sprinkle over with some liquid.
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NAM AB Aqua ad lavandum corpus. Eau pour prendre un bain. Water for bathing.
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AB NAM Sumere balneum. Prendre un bain. To take a bath.
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AB OB Rem odoribus imbuere. Parfumer quelque chose. To perfume any thing.
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AB THONG Deaurare. Dorer. To gild.
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AB LUET Perfundi sanguine. Etre arrose de sang To be watered, or sprinkled with blood.
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AB SAB Lavare imbuendo. Laver et imbiber. To wash and to imbibe.
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AB SOB Imbibere. Imbiber. To imbibe
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AB SOB SAB Imbui liquore. Etre imbibe d'un liquide. To be soaked.
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AB OB Infiltratione liquoris paulatim madefieri; imbutus liquore. s'imbiber peu a peu d'une liqueur parinfiltration; imbibe d'un liquide. To suck in tiquor slowly by infiltration soaked.
A:BAI Vide อาบาย
ABAI Tormenta inferorum, infortunium. Les tourment des enfers, infortune. Torments of hell, misfortune.
ABAIJAPHUM Varii loci inferrorum. Les differents lieux des enfers. Different places in hell.
CHATURABAI Quatuor gradus inferorum. Les quatre degres des enfers. Four degrees of hell.
ABAM Bellaria malayensia. Gateaux malais. Malay cakes.
ABAT Peccatum contra regulas bonziorum et poena subsequens; casus. Peche contre les regles des bonzes et le chatiment qui s'ensuit; chute. Sin against the rules of the bonzes and the punishment which follows it; fall.
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ABAT TOK Absolutio a peccato contra regulas bonziorum. Absolution du peche contre les regles des bonzes. Absolution of sin against the rules of the bonzes.
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TONG ABAT Incurrere peccatum (pro bonziis) Tomber dans le peche (pour les bonzes) To fall in to sin (speaking of the bonzes).
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PLONG ABAT Absolvere aut absovi a censura seu peccato contra regulas talapuinorum. Absoudre ou etre d'une censure ou peche contre les regles des talapoins. To absolve, tobe absolved of a censure or sin against the rules of the bonzes
ABID Species vini vel arak. Espece de vin ou arak. A kind of wine or arak.
ABCHON Angustiae, extremitas. Detresse, extremite. Distress, extremity.

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